How to make money as a musician
Hayden Burke Hayden Burke

How to make money as a musician

Musicians are in a unique position to make money in many ways. Careers are often a direct path with very little option to do different things without completely changing careers. Musicians on the other hand can choose to do many things within music as long as they are creative and are disciplined enough to work at it.

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How to do your nails as a classical guitarist
Hayden Burke Hayden Burke

How to do your nails as a classical guitarist

As a classical guitarist, the quality of your tone is paramount. This comes from using nails on the right hand. The combination of nail and finger serves as the primary means of producing sound, and as such, their shape, length, and maintenance are of great importance.

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Book Summary: Atomic Habits (from a musician’s perspective)
Hayden Burke Hayden Burke

Book Summary: Atomic Habits (from a musician’s perspective)

Atomic Habits has been reviewed and written about so many times. YouTubers refer to it on a daily basis in videos, making author James Clear a popular name. Anyone interested in productivity and bettering themselves has, or should read this book. Can musicians make use of simple habits to make productive and desirable changes in their playing and performing?

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Foolproof techniques for playing music from memory
Hayden Burke Hayden Burke

Foolproof techniques for playing music from memory

Memorising pieces is an essential skill for classical guitarists, as it allows you to perform without relying on sheet music and helps you develop a deeper understanding of the music you're playing. Discover 5 techniques that I use to remember my music flawlessly.

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